
pictures from Yoko

Today we've got an email from Yoko with pictures which show what Ishinomaki ( where she lives) is like now.

This used to be a spot enjoying Sakura (cherry blossom) viewing.
10 minutes from her house by car.

This was taken in front of a company ( the fishing industry) where she used to work.

They say it is going to be better, but it will definitely require a bunch of time getting back to what it used to be.

In her neighborhood, roads are collapsed, but after tidying up her shop, it gets back to normal. Today she had 3 visitors!

They all lost their houses. A lady on the right hand moves to Kanto area, the others move to temporary houses. 

They have to live apart...but they smiled getting sewing kits that we shipped.

We can see blocks that they pieced on a table.

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